If you are a wildlife lover, seeing orangutans in their native habitat is one of the most unique and life-affirming experiences you’ll ever have.

Humans and orangutans are closely related, in fact, they share 97% of our DNA. They are patient, intelligent, and incredibly curious creatures, it’s often heard that they have escaped from zoos after watching zookeepers lock and unlock doors!
A meeting with these friendly giant apes is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and Borneo is one of the greatest places to see them. There are several forest reserves where wild populations are still found, as well as sanctuaries and rehabilitation centres, but we would recommend a tour of Borneo’s virgin rainforests as the best way to observe these magnificent and fascinating animals in the wild. As more and more of the forest turns to farmland, diminishing the orangutan’s natural habitat, this may be one of the last chances to see truly wild orangutans enjoying the freedom of the jungle.
Explore the breath-taking Danum Valley conservation area on foot, which is known for its incredible biodiversity where you’ll find a variety of wild monkeys, birds, and insects or take a cruise on the Kinabatangan River, which flows through the heart of orangutan territory. Watch out for pygmy elephant’s, proboscis monkeys, hornbills and rhinoceros while searching for the area’s reclusive wild orangutan population. Although it’s never a guarantee that you’ll see them, cruising is both the most leisurely way to observe them and it’s the least damaging to their environment.
And if the jungle doesn’t yield, a visit to a Rehabilitation Centre ensures an unforgettable Borneo orangutan experience as you watch them play, eat and swing through the trees. These centres play a vital role in the rehabilitation of young and adult orangutans who have suffered through poaching, habitat loss or the illegal pet trade.
By combining both of these experiences will reward you with a well-rounded understanding of how these creatures fair in today's world and leave you with memories you’ll cherish for a lifetime.
Contact us today and our Travel Consultants will be in touch to start planning your perfect bucket-list escape!